Planning Ahead of your Flight or Face Paying Hundreds

Whilst there are lots of frequent flyers out there. Many of us also tend to only fly once a year or even less. Maybe just on big occasions.

So, it might not surprise you that airlines are making millions of ££$$ each year from people missing their respective flights.

Only last month we heard from a passenger who rang us back and stated if we could pick her up from Heathrow airport. We asked if everything was okay and she stated that even though she had gotten to the airport well in advance of the flight. The airline are refusing to let her board as she missed the last check in time.

So how did she miss the check in time even though he arrived with plenty of time.

Well this passenger of ours stated that she is originally from Spain and that her previous experience of travelling on planes is that the airport do last passenger call outs over the tannoy before they close the check in.

However at Heathrow they did not do this. So the poor lady was sipping her coffee, completely oblivious to the obligation that she had herself to monitor the flight details from checking in to boarding etc.

So what would I say our advise is to save you money, time and hassle.

  1. Go online before leaving for the airport and make sure your flight is still scheduled for the time you booked.
  2. Check in either online or as earliest as possible
  3. Once checked in. Keep an eye around the airport as usually you will find information boards with departure gates and times to board etc
  4. Make sure your luggage is appropriately weighted and packed.
  5. Order your airport transfer with plenty of time prior to check in or departure.

The above may seem simple, but you’d be amazed how much money the airlines are making in missed check in’s. Excess luggage etc.

Our final advice for you all is to plan, plan & plan before you fly.


Take Care